
Fr. James B Heary, O.P., Council #7239
• 30191 Dequindre
• Madison Heights, MI 48071
• Phone: (248) 588-3430

Welcome Letter from the Grand Knight
Welcome brother knights and visitors to our site. We are constantly striving to keep you up-to-date and inform our membership of the many committees and their activities in our council and community.
As with most web sites, we are striving to keep this site up-to-date. If you are participating in any activities that you don't see on this site, please e-mail us and let us know. Check back often as this site will be updated on a regular basis.
If you would like to be added to our council mailing list, or you have suggestions for this site, please email me. If you are not currently a member of the Knights of Columbus and would like to register or talk to one of our officers, please call us or fill out our registration form.
Vivat Jesus!
Glain Guilmette Grand Knight

General Member Meeting: First Monday of the Month - 7:00pm Planning Meeting: Second Monday of the Month - 7:00pm Ladies Auxiliary Meeting: Second Thursday of the Month - 7:00pm

The charter for Knights of Columbus Council #7239 was received on February 18, 1979, with 52 members. Our council name, Fr. James P. Heary, was taken from our first pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer Church.
The original meeting place was the St. Vincent Ferrer Church Social Hall. 12 of the charter members are now deceased. 19 of the charter members are still active. Fr. Elder was our first chaplain.
As membership grew, the council moved to a home on 13 Mile Rd. in Madison Heights. Then, in 1989, we moved to our permanent home on Dequindre Road.
Council #7239 has received the Star Council Award several times, along with the Columbian and Fr. McGivney Awards.
The council's regular meeting is the first Monday of each month.